Arrowhead Exchange

Agency Setup

To access Arrowhead Exchange, you must be an Arrowhead producer with an administrator ID and password. If you are not an Arrowhead Producer, please click here to learn how to become a producer. If you do not have your administrator ID and password, please call 760-710-6844.

Create User Account

SECURE YOUR ACCOUNT: For security reasons, we recommend the agency owner or systems administrator complete this initial Agency Setup for all users, or allow each user to set up their own account before changing the master password.

First login to Agency Setup in the box above. Once logged in you will be prompted to reset and confirm your master password. Your new password must be at least 8 characters and it is case sensitive. Then you will enter your security question and answer. Proceed to your user list and click on New User.

Once you have clicked on New User, enter the new username. We recommend using the producer's first name. Next, enter the person's full name and E-mail address. Then enter a password. It can be alphanumeric and it is case sensitive. Once you have confirmed the password and are finished, click OK.

If you are satisfied with your user list, click on Finished. You can then proceed to the producer login box where you will login with your agency's 6-digit Producer Code, Username and Password.